Shelly- What A Wonderful Place The Earth Must Be

Shelly is a band. What is a band? A group of individuals floating on this rock in space with nothing to protect them but instruments in their hands. What is love? I hear it's actually a place. Who killed Laura Palmer? I’m not going to blow that surprise for you--JoJo did and Mike still hasn't forgiven him. Sometimes the answers to our questions only lead to more questions. I guess the older you get the more you realize you know nothing sometimes.
Some things in this life, however are concrete. Absolutes. And what I can tell you absolutely is that Shelly wrote a record some time during the cold winter of 2016 in the City of Brotherly Love. It was laid to tape by a collection of handsome troubadours at Headroom Studios. It’s about the cares of the young and the stressed and it’s called “What a Wonderful Place the Earth Must Be”. Try it on, you'll like it.
Released by:
Pete Judge Records
Superjazz Tapes
Table Three Media
- Red and gold sparkle